Voicemail is provided for free of charge for local landlines by Alma Telephone Company.
Voicemail replaces your answering machine with a safe reliable and best of all FREE voicemail system that is easy to configure and use.
To inquire or sign up for Vociemail please call our office at 660-674-2297.
The voicemail system is menu driven. Listen to the voice prompts and then press the keys on your phone to select which option you would like.
The first time you access your voicemail box you will be asked to set up your mailbox, record your name and a greeting to be played to callers. When you have one or more unheard voice messages waiting on your landline, your phone’s dial tone will sound with a stutter dial tone and your wireless phone will show message waiting indicator on the device.
From Your Landline Phone:
- Press the messages button or dial *98.
- Press the voicemail key or the 1 button on your wireless phone.
- Enter your voicemail password. Initial PIN is 7161.
- If you have new messages, the messages will be identified.
- After hearing any new messages, you will be presented with the voicemail main menu. The main menu options are listed in the next column.
- (Please see instructions on how to change voicemail PIN.)
From Another Phone:
- From an external phone dial 660-395-1000.
- When prompted, enter your 10 digit number.
- When prompted, enter your voicemail PIN then #.
- If you have new messages, the messages will be identified.
- After hearing any new messages, you will be presented with the voicemail main menu.

While listening to your voicemail messages, the following options are available:

While listening to messages, you can send a copy of the message to another recipient.
- To forward the current message press 5.
- Enter the 10-digit mailbox number.
- Press # when finished entering destination number.
- You will be prompted to record an introduction.
- After the tone, record your introductory message and press # when finished.
- Press # to send.
- Press 1 for delivery options.